Sweet Spring
3/26/2019 (Permalink)
After a long winter, spring can be such a welcomed sight for sore eyes. Luckily in New England we didn’t have as stormy a winter as years past. Spring however is not always all rainbows and butterflies. Rising temperatures and a frozen ground can leave melting snow and water with no place to go… or maybe it relocates into your home.
Here are 3 tips to help prevent the melting snow from entering your home.
- Move snow away from your house. This may seem like a lot of work, but as the snow melts near your foundation, the only place it might have to go, is into your home.
- Check your gutters and downspouts. If you happened to forgo cleaning the leaves from your gutters this past fall, you might want to take a look on a nice spring day. Leaves and branches can keep water trapped in your gutters leaving melting snow nowhere to go other than into your attic, walls, or foundation.
- Check your foundation. Speaking of foundation… look around and mend small cracks to help prevent the water from penetrating into your home and possibly causing a much bigger issue. If you do happen to find larger cracks that you are unable to repair, you may want to consider reaching out to a professional.
While there is no guarantee that your home will be 100% safe from the melting snow, you can take preventative measures to help lessen the stress.